Flexible & Easy
1. Sign up
2. Try the 'Free' class (one per month) - optional
3. Select your preferred type of membership
FIX - fixed membership (select one, two, or three fixed scheduled classes per week)
VIP - full membership drop-in anytime to any classes (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly rolling membership)
Translation Tool:
To enable seamless reading through video transcripts of the class materials, please upload browser extension eJoy. Once installed, click the eJoy icon in your browser extension, and setup the translation from English to Traditional Chinese. Then simply press both 'ALT with left mouse key' and highlight words and sentences for seamless translation.

Zoom Classroom Translation Captions

About Us
ENJOY-ABC Cambridge International was established in 2002. It began in Hsinchu Taiwan, offering businesses and students a flexible way to study various languages across the week at flexible times and rates. Today we are based both in Taiwan and the UK. We focus on professionals and students, offering a variety of classes each week, from different English nationals, using ZOOM one of the best online teaching platforms.
Our class timetable allows you the flexibility to drop in on any of the classes from home, work, or on the go during the class schedule. Come and go at your discretion that fits your life schedule and convenience. It is the best way to integrate English into your life and is fun too. EnjoyABC is partly based on Stephen Krashen's language acquisition principles through comprehensible input. Our café-style topical conversation classes encourage student self-expression, confidence, and skill-building with online videos, visual materials, and discussion questions. Explore the language, global awareness, and build up your understanding of native English accents and their mindset.